You Can Have A Healthy Micro braid Hair


Micro braids are a wonderful hair style and are also known as mini-braids or invisible braids. Although this hair style is popular mainly for African women and some men, it has expanded very much.In case you think that this hair style would be great for you, then you should know that these braids are difficult to maintain, not only while you have them, but also before getting the braids and even after removing them.

Steps to follow prior to micro braiding

1. Determine if your hair is healthy enough for this hair style. In case it’s very damaged, you should focus on making it healthy.
2. Get an oil treatment to moisturize your hair and replenish your damaged hair, if it’s necessary. You have to perform this treatment once or twice a week for several weeks before getting your braids.
3. Use a conditioner that will mosturize your hair. This is also an important step as your hair will be very healthy before braiding.
4. Trim the ends of your hair and after this process, make sure that your hair is long enough for micro braiding.
5. Condition and shampoo your hair thoroughly immediately before getting your micro braids.

Steps For Caring For Your Hair While Micro Braided

1. Follow the pieces of advice from your stylist and in case you don’t understand something, ask him everything you need to know.
2. Wash your hair regularly using the proper type of shampoo and conditioner to moisturise your hair.
3. Use a light leave-in spray, braid spray or hair oil, but make sure that your hair won’t be dry or brittle when you touch it.
4. Use a scalp conditioner, mainly around the edges of the scalp. You can also use Aloe Vera gel, oil or liquid vitamin E. Nonetheless, don’t use a heavy conditioner because it may cause a flaky scalp.
5. Go regularly to your stylist to make sure that your micro braids and hair are fine or in case you see that damage has already occurred.

Caring For Your Hair After Micro Brading

1. The micro braids have to be removed carefully or have them removed by a professional. You have to pay a lot of attention as your hair will be very fragile after being braided for such a long time.
2. Use hair treatments, mainly protein treatment after you have removed your braids. It will help you put strength back in your hair and it will be healthy again.
3. Moisturize your hair after removing your braids. You should use a deep conditioner and moisturiser as the hair is very dry.
If you will follow all these steps, be sure that you will have no problems and your hair will be healthy. Plus, you will look amazing after getting micro braids and a lot of people will admire you.

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