How To Make Braided Headband

How To Make Braided Headband

How To Make Braided Headband That Stays On Hairs

Braided headband is all the rage these days. Everyone’s doing it. However, although a braided headband looks extremely cute and trendy, it can be hard to pull off. Most women try really hard to make a braided headband, but only end up with it sliding around all the time. They find it hard to make the headband stay in place, no matter how many bobby pins they tuck in. However, there is an easy way to make your braided headband stay in place. Anyone who knows how to braid will find this method really easy and simple.

Although we won’t be exactly French braiding the hair, anyone who knows how to make a French braid will find the steps to be really familiar. It’s no problem if you don’t know how to make a French braid since we won’t be exactly French braiding, but it will be even better if you know it. The only things you need to create this braided headband is a small, clear elastic or any other small elastic for that matter.


STEP: 01

The first thing you have to do is comb your hair to remove all tangles and knots. This step is extremely important as you would not want to leave your braid halfway just because you came across a knot in your hair and have to brush your hair to get it out. Brush your hair all the way and make sure it is free of any tangles or knots.

STEP: 02

Next, grab a section of hair from behind an ear. You will be braiding this hair to make the headband, so choose the width accordingly. The section should be wide enough that you feel you can easily manage and will make a cute headband. A 1-inch or 1 1/2-inch section of hair will work quite well.

STEP: 03

Start braiding the section of hair you separated in step 2 in an upward direction. Since your headband will be on the top of your head, you should not braid your hair downwards as you will not be able to move it up to the top of your head perfectly. Lumps will be created in the braid and it will not look good, so you should only braid it upwards.


STEP: 04

When you reach the point on your head where you would like your headband to rest, take a section of hair from that point. The section should not be too wide as it will be incorporated into your braid, so choose a small section.

STEP: 05

Join the section you selected in the last step into a strand of your braid and continue braiding. Make sure you pull that section tightly, or else your braided headband will not rest flatly on your head and it will stand out.

STEP: 06

Once you reach the opposite point on your head where you would like your headband to rest, again take a section of hair, add it to your braid and continue braiding just like you did in the last 2 steps. Again, the section of hair you choose should be small and make sure that you pull your hair tightly in order to create a flat headband.

STEP: 07

Once you reach your other ear, take a section of hair once again from behind the ear and add it in your braid. Then, secure the braid with a small elastic.

And voila! You have created your very own braided headband that will stay in place all day! As you can see, this hairstyle is extremely easy to create. All you need is some basic knowledge about making braids and you are set to go. This hairstyle is suitable for different occasions; you can wear it to the office or to a party. You can also pair it up with different hairstyles.

With this braided headband, you can wear your hair down just like you would with a real headband. It looks really pretty and you will be sure to get compliments all day. You can also pull back all of your hair back into a ponytail. To hide the elastic which you used to secure the braid, you can pull back your hair over it. You could also use a bobby pin to secure the braid, instead of an elastic, and pull your hair over the pin to hide it.

Another easy hairstyle you can make with a braided headband is a bun. A bun is suitable for all sorts of occasions. You can pair it up with a donut or sock bun for the office or a more casual setting, or you could wear more formal braided buns with the braided headband.

There are tons of hairstyles you can pair with the braided headband. You just need to use a little creativity!

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